function: intransitive verb
inflected forms: arose; arisen; arising;
to come into being; originate

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
-John Bingham


They say a carpenter is only as good as his tools.  A great runner is going to be a great runner no matter what, but having the right gear helps them achieve their maximum level of performance.  As such, I try my best to make informed decisions when purchasing running gear.  Here is what I am using now, along with some things I’ve tried in the past (now retired).


Current: Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12

Past (order from oldest to most recent): Brooks Beast, Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9, Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10, Brooks Adrenaline GTS 11


Current: iPhone 4 w/ RunKeeper Pro

Past: Timex Time+Distance GPS Watch