function: intransitive verb
inflected forms: arose; arisen; arising;
to come into being; originate

"The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
-John Bingham

New Shoes: New Balance MR1012

Filed Under (Products, Road Running) by Matt on 22-03-2010

It has been a year since purchasing my Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 and my foot was starting to hurt New Balance MR1012while running, so I went to the New Balance store in Alpharetta/Norcross this Saturday and got refitted for shoes (similar to Big Peach Running Co “Fit Process”).

After trying on several shoes and going for quick jogs around the store and along the sidewalk outside, I ended up with the New Balance MR1012 Running Shoe.  It is a model on the higher end of motion control.  I am also going to try some Aetrex inserts to better help my lack of arches.

We’ll see how it goes tomorrow when I go for a run for them the first time.


One Response to “New Shoes: New Balance MR1012”

  1. VERDICT: Awful. Probably a good shoe for someone, but not for me.

    I tried them with the Aetrex inserts first. Pain in shins, foot, and general poor mechanics over the course of a mile.

    I then gave them a 3 mile shot without the Aetrex inserts. Too much slop in the toe box.

    Sadly will be returning these. May have to buy a new pair of Brooks this weekend…

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